The European Parliament of the European Union.

RESOLUTION 12.9.1991
on the lack of Community involvement in resolving the Cyprus question

The European Parliament,

  1. having regard to the urgent need for a `just and lasting' solution to the Cyprus problem involving the full implementation of the UN's decisions,
  2. having regard also to the European Community's keen interest in restoring international legitimacy and guaranteeing peace, normality and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean,
  3. whereas the continued Turkish military occupation of more than 35% of the territory of Cyprus and the systematic attempt at colonization have created, inter alia, approximately 200 000 refugees while the fate of some 2 000 Greek Cypriots is still unknown and whereas this serious abnormal international situation is affecting the independent Republic of Cyprus which is associated with the European Community,
  4. noting the repeated decisions of the UN and the resolutions of the European Parliament concerning the planned international conference in which the USA and the Soviet Union are seeking to take part,
  5. Considers that the lack of involvement of the European Community in finding a solution to the Cyprus question is incom prehensible;
  6. Calls on the European Council and the Council of Ministers to take the necessary steps to ensure that the European Community takes part in the conference which is of major importance for the whole of Europe;
  7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission.

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Last modified: Fri Jun 21 10:58:45 EDT 1996